Monday, April 10, 2006

Worked like a dog

I spent all day Sunday in the yard and it was quite a satisfying day -- it feels so good to actually accomplish something. It was so peaceful -- there was no noise except birdsong and a woodpecker all day. I did break the silence with the tiller for a while (that is one of the downsides - the noise). Anyway -- I planted the bibb and red fire lettuce, the Space spinach, short & sweet and Adelaide carrots and Bailey planted some d'Aignon radishes I had left from last year. I set my seedlings outside for the first time -- I watered them with some chamomile tea - which I hear is good for keeping them from damping off. The pic is some freaky looking seed stalks coming up from a rhubarb plant.

I also refurbished the herb garden. My chives didn't come up for some reason -- maybe choked out with wild violets and dandelions. So I removed the bricks and dug up the pink creeping thyme (only 4 of 12 survived) and tilled the whole thing. I also dug up all the sage plants, trimmed them up, tilled and replanted. I also raked the paths and put down a little bit of new mulch. Emma also emerged for about a half hour and we played a truly sad game of soccer. My arms were so weak from all the work by the end of the day I could barely get the hose connected. Then after we watered for some reason the water wouldn't shut off. Luckily I have a splitter with separate valve shut-offs. I guess I'll have to get someone out to fix it.


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