Finally moving again
I have been too ashamed to post anything. I have been really neglecting things outside -- mostly heat and humidity related, partly because I've been obsessing about growing my ebay business with a few marketing ploys. I finally did get out there for a few hours and cleared about 7 wheelbarrow loads of weeds from the herb/flower garden. I also harvested a sack of tomatoes, peppers, beans and squash. I have been making plenty of my favorite salsa fresca but I have quite a few peppers and squash I haven't gotten to yet. I'm going to make a big tray of poppers this afternoon. I need to make some squash and oregano or freeze some squash soon too. I had some beautiful Italian red peppers that I fried up with Italian sausage the other day I need to pick up some more sausage for subs.
I've also been thinking of moving my garden around to better fit my yard. I'd keep the herb garden where it is, but turn it into an annual flower/butterfly garden, then move the fruit/veggies all along the right side of the yard. If I'm going to change things up, I need to do it before I'm too decrepit to wield a shovel.
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