Wednesday, April 12, 2006

To do list

Steve says my life is one big to-do list of my own creation -- he's partially right -- I come up with way too many projects for myself. My current outdoor list is as follows:

Finish dry creekbed project
Finish painting exterior doors
Paint shed and replace its door hinges
Take down exterior light fixtures and spray paint them black
Fix and clean fish pond (Maggie discovered it and knocked stones into it and disconnected the pump and filter)
Get Steve to help me move the arbor and tighten up all the bolts (it's falling over).
Put in rest of early spring seeds - parsley, cilantro, lavendar, foxglove.
Transplant oakleaf hydrangeas
Till and reorganize back perennial bed
Put down new mulch around playset
Turn compost piles (a job for the mantis?)
Till area along stone wall in front. Divide lirope along front walk and transplant to new area.
Get all fallen branches picked up. Look into renting a chipper.
Put compost onto garden beds.
Put in veggie seedlings and late-spring seeds - beans, squash, pumpkins etc.
Clean mold off siding and deck.
Get outdoor faucets repaired.
Plant slope next to stairs
dig new cutting garden bed

Okay -- enough I'm clearly dreaming if I think I'll have enough time or energy to do all this. Well - one thing at a time. And the next thing on my list - watch Conan, maybe sleep 6 whole hours.


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