Weed & Reseed

Today I finished up the stick tepee - or tuteur if we're going to be all fancy. I am too lazy to nail it, so I put my Girl Scout lashing skills to use -- though I just used twine, so it probably won't last too long. I planted my Kwintus Pole Beans around it -- we'll see how long it takes to topple over. I have 2 more shorter, wider ones to make for my mini pumpkins and gourds.
I also spent alot of time with my second favorite garden tool -- a mattuck with an adjustable handle -- I found it for less than $5 the year before last at a Big Lots store. It has a flat side like a hoe and a tined side -- great for weeding. I went over the plot where I have chamomile seedlings and marked each of the tiny feathery things with a stick so I could weed all the emerging quick weed and crab grass and pull out the violets without worries. The dill needs another week or so to see the seedlings - I could only find two so far - and no parsley -- I may buy at least one plant and reseed the rest.
I got the squash and pumpkin seeds planted -- too early, I know, but I can never wait. Something seems to be eating the green beans as soon as they stick their little heads through the soil -- I only have about 5 plants -- though the edamame are fine. I went back and reseeded those today. After looking at FarmGirls Kitchen Garden, I also went back an seeded between my lettuce and spinach rows. I also may do between the onion rows as well. There's some nice info about green spring garlic as well that I will put into use this fall -- it sounds so good.

My columbine are blooming and spreading. I brought the seeds these were grown from with me from Lansing -- still in the flower pods. I had tons of them there -- all blown over from the neighbor's yard -- at least chainlink fences are good for something! I now have 5 of these in the side yard across from the hostas. Here's another view of the hostas -- I have to do something with that fence -- it's the view out of the dining room.

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